Lingualine - Korekta native speakera

Native speaker proofreading

At Lingua Line, we do so much more than merely translating texts from Polish to a foreign language (or vice versa) and from one foreign language to another. We also proofread already written texts. We work in 44 languages of the world! Texts are proofread by experienced native speakers specializing in specific industries and various sciences. You can entrust us with your text without any concern – we will polish it like a real diamond and catch all inaccuracies and minor errors, without changing the author’s original style and maintaining the language appropriate to the type or topic of the text.

Proofreading by a native speaker will give the content a light and natural feel – this is possible only thanks to verification done by a person who uses a given language as their mother tongue and is able to pick up on all linguistic nuances – especially in such specific types of translations as, e.g., marketing texts.

Texts that usually require proofreading by a native speaker:

Translation process


Text analysis


Selection of a translator specializing in a given field


Forwarding the text for translation


Verification, proofreading and formatting of the translation

Why Should You Bet On Us?

Guaranteed Quality

Over the years, we have developed a customer service system that guarantees superior quality and gives customers confidence that their text will be put in the hands of the best specialists with an exceptional linguistic and substantive background.

Always On Time

We treat deadlines as “sacred”, which is why you can rest assured that you will receive your translation on time, and that it will be prepared at a high substantive and linguistic level.

Elastic Payment Methods

We appreciate your trust and loyalty, which is why we offer our regular customers the option of distributing the payment or settling it after the service.